On Efficiently Freeloading Booze and Nibbles at Events

It is a truth universally known that where there’s an official reception or formal get-together, there will be free food and drink. Works things, launch parties, family and friends’ formal events: no doubt you’ve been to this sort of thing. They’re pretty good fun, and in my current posts volunteering at a couple of museums … Continue reading On Efficiently Freeloading Booze and Nibbles at Events

On 12 Books for Christmas (part 2)

Thus concludes my list of 12 books recommended for rather specific people. For the armchair survivalist – The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook, by Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht If, like me, you grew up on a diet of adventure books, then you know how important it is to be prepared for that moment you are … Continue reading On 12 Books for Christmas (part 2)